All of Iowa, Winter Weather

Iowa Forecast Video 11/22/2011


SEMI-QUIET: The weather will remain reasonably quiet through Thanksgiving with temperatures slowly warming back into the 50s to lower 60s by Thursday. The winds will be the main story with gusty southerly to southwesterly winds of 10-20mph, with higher gusts possible.

NEXT STORM: The next storm system moves in Friday afternoon with a chance of some showers and possibly an isolated clap of thunder or two. Temperatures will crash behind the system on Saturday changing the precipitation from rain to a mix of sleet and snow into Sunday morning. Accumulations right now will be little if any at this time. However the system looks to stick around as the system gets cut off from the main flow, thus with the cold air around, there may be several chances of some snow through the early part of the following week. Upper level lows are very hard to forecast, so we’ll have to keep an eye on the model runs for any changes in the track with this system. Temperatures remain below average heading into the first week of December before they rebound to near seasonal levels by the 7th.