All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 11/21/2011


MAINLY BENIGN: The weather will be fairly benign across the state, outside of a slight chance of some showers on Tuesday across the southeastern counties, it should remain dry through Friday. Temperatures will also begin a slow warm up with southerly winds beginning to take a hold of the state by Wednesday with temperatures climbing well into the 50s on Thanksgiving Day with some locales possibly hitting 60°.

WEEKEND STORMS: The holiday weekend will come to a sour end with some rain showers moving into the state on Friday. This will mainly come after the Black Friday specials at the stores. The rain isn’t expected to be too heavy however, and the rain will continue into Saturday across the eastern counties of the state with temperatures crashing back into the upper 30s and lower 40s by Sunday. The beginning of the new work week will see a few lingering clouds across the southeast with temperatures holding in the 40s.