All of Iowa, Winter Weather

Iowa Forecast Video 11/2/2011


RAIN RAIN RAIN: There is going to be rain today, and it’s going to last all day. This will keep temperatures in the upper 40s to middle 50s across the state. By afternoon, northerly winds will begin to take hold and temperatures will begin dropping through the 40s into the upper 30s by evening. Some of the rain overnight into Thursday morning may mix with some snow or sleet but nothing is likely to accumulate. Amounts will generally be between a half inch and inch of precipitation. Imagine if this was all snow!

MORE ACTIVITY: After the mid-week storm system another one will clip the state this weekend. Saturday will be very windy across the state ahead of this storm system but little if any precipitation will come of it. Temperatures will warm toward 60° on Saturday but will quickly drop back into the upper 40s to mid 50s by early next week. Another storm comes in Tuesday with some precipitation especially across the southeastern half of the state (This is the storm that we’ve been discussing for sometime now). It will be quickly out by next Wednesday leaving seasonal readings behind.

MID-NOVEMBER: Another storm far out on the run may bring the first real snow of the year if this pans out right, coming in around the 15th and 16th of November. We’ll have to look at several more runs to see if this system continues in its intensity and track before making any forecasts.