All of Iowa, Winter Weather

Iowa Forecast Video 11/1/2011


WARM DAY: It will be very warm (not very November like), more like Indian Summer with readings well up into the 60s with some locations possibly getting into the lower 70s. This will not last however as a cold front will come through later tonight into Wednesday morning cooling the readings off quite a bit. By Wednesday, there will be a good chance of rain with temps likely remaining around 50°.

MORE ACTIVE: The more active pattern continues with another storm Saturday into Sunday (with most of the moisture staying just to the north and northwest), however a few rain showers are possible with this system but they will be widely scattered. Several more storms are shown on this model run heading into the middle of the month, including one around the 12th of November. It’s looking more likely that the first snow of the year (outside of the flurries a few weeks ago in NC Iowa) could be seen across the state within the next 1-2 weeks.