All of Iowa, Winter Weather

Iowa Forecast Video 10/28/2011


NO CHANGES: There doesn’t look to be many changes to the forecast since yesterday’s discussion, but we’ll go through them again. Temperatures will remain near or slightly below seasonal levels through the weekend, with temperatures warming slightly into next week. There is a disturbance on Sunday that may kick off a shower especially in the northeastern half of the state but amounts will be only a few hundredths or so if that. Halloween on Monday still looks okay with readings in the upper 40s to lower 50s during Trick O Treating.

ACTIVE NOVEMBER: The month of November is still looking active with several storm systems being seen on this model run. Storm #1 makes an appearance on the 2nd with some cold rain possible and highs likely remaining in the 40s. Storm #2, a possible weak system the following Saturday (5th) that may bring some precip to the state. Then comes the big one, yes the storm on the 9th and 10th is still on the model run and it now has a friend (a follow up storm on the 12th!) Both storms (if they pan out) may cause some severe weather (especially the mid-Mississippi Valley on south) possible snow in the plains, heavy amounts of rain, just all sorts of action. Then the next one on the 12th may bring snow to Iowa with severe weather raking the south. This will need to be monitored for several more runs to be sure.