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Late Autumn Fall Color Photos

 Beautiful colors of fiery red from Autumn Blaze Maple

Although still considered past peak, fall color has really been making a come back over the past week here in Rochester. After the colors were spent out by the warm temps we had early in the month, trees that were turning lost their leaves fast, and trees that were still green held on to their leaves. Now it seems the late turning trees that held their leaves are “catching up” and as a result and showing very beautiful colors. I’ve seen red, orange, yellow and rust all from late turning trees. The trees on the street above seemed to be especially stunning with their color this week, and this is the first time I have seen this type of maple in full color.

 Street trees West Downtown Rochester.

Here are some more maples seen with the fiery red color along second street southwest.

Maples really seem to be the starof the late season fall color show currently. The Red maple in our backyard has turned a nice red color and fits along with the rest around the neighborhood, which is not bad for color after a August planting! This tree was starting to turn earlier then slopped after it warmed and is now in peak color. A Eastern Redbud turning yellow can be seen in the backround.

Front yard view.

Here is what the front yard looks like this week. The burning bush finally is doing it’s thing and is in peak color with fiery red color. The Juneberry to the right of the house has turned a pleasant red-orange fall color, while the ash has been bare for weeks. The grass has taken on a brown color from lack of rain recently. As for people wondering if I have noticed a difference between fall color in my hometown the answer is yes! Trees here in this more southerly latitude seems to hold their green color and turn color, in some cases much later then the same types of trees in my hometown over 100 miles to the north. Now it’s on to see if Winter weather is any different!


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