All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 10/24/2011


INDIAN SUMMER CONTINUES: The Indian summer weather will continue today into tomorrow before reality sets in again with a cold frontal passage that will drop readings back into the 40s and 50s across the state through the rest of this coming week. The storm system on Tuesday into Wednesday will bring a chance of some showers and thunderstorms to the state. The HPC 5 day outlook on precip however shows no rain is expected although there is likely going to be at least a quarter inch of rain where a few showers and storms fire. (Note that HPC chart began at 7pm Sunday evening and already didn’t pick up on the showers and storms across the eastern counties last night). A few leftover showers are possible on the backside on Wednesday with skies beginning to clear thereafter.

NOVEMBER: The pattern looks to become somewhat active in the month of November which is still just outside the comfort zone of 7 days out. There looks to be a possible storm system Tuesday into Wednesday of next week that may bring some shower activity to the state. This will be after a slow warm up that will begin later this week. Another Friday night into Saturday (4th and 5th) could see the first snowflakes that MAY accumulate. We’ll see on later runs.