All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 10/23/2011


INDIAN SUMMER: A real treat yesterday with 60s and 70s across the state. A few more days are in store with a few wrinkles here and there. Today there will be many more clouds with a chance especially across the north of a few isolated showers. Rainfall amounts will be light with only a few hundredths at most. The warmer than average weather will continue into Tuesday when a cold front will move through bringing temperatures back not to just average, but below average with highs by mid to late next week in the upper 40s to middle 50s.

AT THE END: The last frame of this model run is something, at 384hrs (which is the end of the GFS Run) is showing a fairly large storm system centered over west Texas, east of El Paso with a large swath of moisture (snow over the central and southern Rockies), with rainfall across the southern Plains States. Now 384 hrs is still 16 days away. This can change on the next runs, but this “possible” storm if it continues to pop up here and there on follow up runs (over the next few days) it will need to be monitored, otherwise nothing beyond 7-10 days looks interesting at this time.