All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 10/21/2011


RAIN NEXT WEEK: After a VERY cold and frosty morning, temperatures will begin to rise slow back to seasonal norms through the weekend. A slight chance of a few showers are possible on Sunday with a disturbance moving just to the north of the state, but the main chance of precipitation will wait until Tuesday with a strong storm system moving in from the west. Showers and a few isolated thunderstorms will be possible. Rainfall amounts will be generally under a half inch. Behind this system is another shot of cold Canadian air similar if not stronger than the current one ongoing.

NOVEMBER: A few days of the month are now on the model runs, and as of now the first week of November looks to be mixed with a chance of some precipitation and near seasonal readings. Of course the month of November can bring about any kind of weather including the first inch of snow across the state. We’ll continue to look for any trends over the next few days regarding November.