All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 10/12/2011


MORE RAIN TODAY: There is a good chance of some showers and isolated thunderstorms today across the state. Rainfall could be substantial, especially across the eastern counties of the state where upwards of an inch is possible, albeit a quarter to three quarters of an inch is looking more likely. The rain will last into early Thursday morning across the eastern and northeastern counties of the state before skies clear and sunshine returns. Temperatures will also be back to seasonal levels for the rest of the week.

WEEKEND: The weekend is looking to be about half and half at this time. The jet stream will be directly overhead this week, bringing quick moving storm systems through the state. One such storm will move through late Saturday night into Sunday morning with a chance of some rain, albeit light and slight at best.

POSSIBLE COLD SNAP: Model continues to indicate a possible cold snap and killing freeze across the state early next week. Another storm system will move into the state Monday into Tuesday with showers and isolated thunderstorms. However, unlike the system today, this one will bring MUCH colder conditions afterward. Temperatures may struggle out of the 40s for highs and there may even be some snow flurries possible (can’t guarantee it quite yet though). In any case this will likely lead to a killing freeze across the entire state, thus ending the growing season everywhere. Temperatures slowly return to normal as we head toward the end of the month with somewhat quieter conditions.