All of Iowa, Sports Weather

Iowa Forecast Video 9/30/2011


DRY CONDITIONS: We’ll be experiencing some cooler and drier conditions in the state over the upcoming weekend and into the first part of next week. It will be cool Saturday morning with some light frost possible across the northeastern counties where winds will be light and temperatures will drop into the lower and middle 30s. Temperatures will slowly warm through the weekend and into next week with readings approaching 80 in western Iowa on Sunday and at least the western half of the state by mid-week.

RAIN: The next chance of rain comes in around Thursday into Friday with a vigorous system that will be coming from the west. With a negative tilt at the 500mb level, there could be some severe weather with this system in the region. Not sure if Iowa will be included, but there’s some indication that some severe weather is possible. We’ll have to wait and see in later runs.

MID MONTH: This run shows some inactive weather for the middle part of October across the state. It shows a ridge over the state around Columbus Day which flattens out by the end of that week with a trough over the Great Lakes and New England that could bring some of the white stuff to that area, but not over Iowa at least not yet.