All of Iowa, Winter Weather

Cold and Snowy?

12z GFS Model Run (Oct 10th 7am)

It may seem a bit odd to be talking about possible SNOW when it’s the final few days of September, but the 12z Model Run shows some possible snow flurries across the northern sections of the state on Columbus Day. The 540mb (a good indication of the freeze line) will be right across the stat with some precipitation moving through on a fast west to east flow (the jet stream will be directly overhead). Along with a substantial high pressure system over the Yukon, we could see some flurries and VERY cold temperatures heading into the second week of October.

NOTE: This is still just under two weeks away and this is the first time we’ve seen it (however the GFS did show a cold snap around this time frame a few days ago, just no snow). We’ll see if this continues on the 18z and on the 00z run tonight on the forecast video.