All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 8/27/2011


DRY WEATHER CONTINUES: The weather will remain dry and seasonal through the weekend and into early next week. There could be an isolated shower on Sunday across the far west, otherwise rain will hold off for most of the state until Tuesday and Wednesday with a warm front that will be moving in. Until then expect highs in the upper 70s to mid 80s with slightly humid conditions.

THE PROBABLE RETURN OF TRIPLE H: TRIPLE H is likely making another comeback to the state by later this coming week. Highs will like approach and exceed 90° once again, with dew points around 70. This will last through at least Friday when a frontal system is expected to move in bringing a chance of showers and thunderstorms to the state. This will last until early Saturday morning before the front moves off to the east.

DRY SEPTEMBER: The storm track heads north of the state as we head off into September leaving the state and most of the country fairly dry with no real frontal systems or upper level features to worry about. We’ll see if this continues on future runs.