
wxALERT: Watch Possible later this afternoon for a Big Portion of Iowa

Mesoscale Discussion #1690 (Copyright NOAA & SPC)

The Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma has just posted Mesoscale Discussion #1690, which talks about the Severe Threat increasing with a Watch possible this afternoon. Convective Initiation (Thunderstorms) is uncertain at this hour, but we do expect some form of Showers to Pop up in the Coming hours. If Showers & Thunderstorms do develop, High Instability will support Super Cell thunderstorms. An MCV has been indicated around Northern to Eastern Iowa, with Clouds still around the area. However, Temperatures in the 80’s to 90’s with High Dew Points are beginning to be common around these areas, And we will need to monitor this CLOSELY. A few Pop up Showers have been shown on Radar Imagery in Northern Iowa, but has been weakening. We will monitor this situation and give you updates as they come in.