
2011 Missouri River Flooding Update #6

Here is the latest on the flooding that continues along the Missouri River as of July 13th.

At Sioux City, the stage was 34.4 feet at 4pm. This is over 4 feet above flood stage and in moderate flood. The forecast is for the river to remain steady near this level through the weekend.

At Decatur NE, the stage was 39.9 feet at 4pm. This is nearly 5 feet above flood stage and in moderate flood. The forecast is for the river to remain steady near this level through the weekend. The river crested at 40.08 feet on June 30th.

At Blair NE, the stage was 31.4 feet at 4pm. This is nearly 5 feet above flood stage and in moderate flood. The forecast is for the river to remain steady through the weekend. The river crested at 32.73 feet on June 29th.

At Omaha, the stage was 34.7 feet at 4pm. This is almost 6 feet above flood stage and in moderate flood. The forecast is for the river to remain steady through the weekend. The river crested at 36.29 feet on July 2nd.

At Plattsmouth NE, the stage was 34.7 feet at 4pm. This is almost 9 feet above flood stage and in moderate flood. The forecast for the river is to remain steady through the weekend. The river crested at 36.73 feet on June 30th.

At Nebraska City NE, the stage was 24.5 feet at 4pm. This is 6.5 feet above flood stage and in moderate flood. The forecast for the river is to remain steady through the weekend. The river crested at 28.27 feet on June 28th (right before the levee breach across the river near Percival.)

The river will remain steady until the CFS releases at Gavins Point Dam in northeastern Nebraska are lowered, however the river remains above flood stage through North and South Dakota with no end in sight at this at this time. The river is likely to remain above flood stage at least through August and possibly into early September barring any abnormal rainfalls.