All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 7/6/2011


QUIET TIMES: Outside of a few showers and thunderstorms across the state yesterday afternoon and evening. The state was relatively dry once again. This will continue for the next several days with seasonal temperatures for both highs and lows. That is until the weekend when the heat and humidity return with 90s and dewpoints at or above 70. This will also be the next best chance at showers and thunderstorms. By that time some places will have gone almost two weeks without a drop of rain. We’ll see how the crops hold out with this extended dry time.

ACTIVE LATER: Further out in the model run, the weather pattern shifts from dry to very wet with several chances of showers and thunderstorms beginning this weekend and lasting through the middle of next week. This will, by that time much needed rainfall (outside of the flood zone). A frontal boundary may stall nearby which could give the state repeated chances at showers and thunderstorms. The rest of the next two weeks will (or could) see some decent shots at rain, but outside of the heat this weekend, temperatures will remain near seasonal norms.