
2011 Missouri River Flooding Update #5

Here is the latest on the Missouri River flooding on the evening of July 5th 2011.

At Sioux City the river stage was 34.2 feet at 10pm (4 feet above flood stage), which is in moderate flood. The river is expected to remain near this level through the upcoming weekend.

At Decatur NE, the river stage was 39.7 feet at 10pm (almost 5 feet above flood stage), which is in moderate flood. The river is forecast to remain steady through the upcoming weekend.

At Blair NE, the river stage was 31.9 feet at 10pm ( over 5 feet above flood stage), which is in moderate flood. The river is forecast to remain steady at this level through the upcoming weekend.

At Omaha, the river stage was 35.4 feet at 10pm (over 6 feet above flood stage), which is in moderate flood. The river is forecast to remain steady near this level through the upcoming weekend.

At Plattsmouth NE, the river stage was 35.5 feet at 9pm, (over 9 feet above flood stage), which is in major flood (and just under the previous record stage which has since been eclipsed a week or so ago). It will fall slowly to 35 feet by this weekend barring anymore levee breaches that may take place nearby (which is possible)

At Nebraska City NE, the river stage was 25.2 feet at 10:15pm, (over 7 feet above flood stage) which is in moderate flood. The river is forecast to fall to just under 25 feet by this weekend and then hold steady. The river here has been falling steadily due to a levee breach near Percival last week.

This will be a long duration event with no end in sight. What may help is a dry period in the area which may lead to the rivers that feed the Missouri to “back up” the water upstream. The next chance of rainfall will be by the weekend.