All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 6/1/2011


STORMS AND HEAT: Today will be a reprieve from the heat and humidity. Highs today will be in the lower to middle 80s with lower dewpoints (below 60°). This will only last today as a warm front will move through the state tonight into Thursday with chances of showers and thunderstorms. Yesterday the SPC had a slight risk outlooked over the western half of the state. Today that risk has been shifted further to the west and south, however some storms could be strong as they move through. The heat returns through the weekend into early next week, with temperatures in the upper 80s to lower 90s. What will be more apparent is the humidity, with dewpoints climbing back into the lower and middle 60s.

POPCORN SHOWERS: The model run is showing some chances of showers and thunderstorms during the upcoming weekend. This will be a 20% chance statewide, with the chance lasting through sunset, when the storms will begin to dissipate. Not everyone will get a storm each day and some locations may not get a drop during the entire weekend.

FAR AHEAD: The pattern flattens out, but no real strong system is forecast to move through with the main jet stream moving north of the state heading into the middle of June, of course this could change in later runs, but the storm track does tend to move in that direction this time of year.