Gardening, Uncategorized

April 26th-27th System & Cold temp report.

A strong low pressure system brought heavy rain, strong winds, snow and cold temperatures to the area over the past couple days. as it slowly marches from Iowa to Central Wisconsin. It started off very windy and very wet on Tuesday, the area had off and on light to moderate steady rain all day long, Most areas revived over half inch of rain from this system, but some places like River Falls got as much as nearly 1.50″! Winds during this time were gusting over 40MPH at times at my location, I tied my 2nd strongest wind gust with this system wit ha gust peaking at 43MPH from the Northeast. This is the 3rd time this month, all from strong low pressure systems that I’ve had winds near this strength from this direction.

Brief moderate snow/sleet shower during the evening hours on April 27th

Behind the low pressure system after it stalled out near Green Bay,WI rain changed to snow during the overnight hours as cold air got sucked down into the area from Northern Minnesota and north into Canada, accumulations were minor to none. My area did not even accumulate enough to count as a trace, but some areas briefly had an inch to and inch an a half in the northern areas before it quickly melted.

High temps reported on Wednesday.

Wednesday, brief popcorn snow showers formed as the low pressure system continues to pivot precip around. The cloudiness along with the snow showers held temperatures into levels more common for March then late April, some places did not even had highs in the 40s today, Which is 20 degrees below the normal high of around 60.F if what we should be experiencing this time of year. I’ve only recorded highs in the 30s this late in April 1 other time in the 4 years I’ve been recording and that was in 2008. Last year 2010 there was no 30 degrees highs in April.

The good news is the worst of this cold snap is behind us, we can expect temps at least 10 degrees warmer tomorrow then they were today, and there should be more sun as well.