All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 3/27/2011


DRY EASTERLIES: The persistent easterly wind, that has been keeping most of the state relatively dry over the last few days (except the far south and southwest), will continue through today and into the early part of next week. This will also lead to that big storm that was seen on yesterday’s video and model runs from dumping no more than an inch or so across the far southern counties of the state on Tuesday. Most of the state will see little if anything this coming week except for a few flurries Tuesday and again on Friday with a weak disturbance.

NEXT STORM?: The next big storm to effect the state may have to wait until a week from today (which is just barely into voo-doo or 7 days out). That storm could bring some substantial moisture to the state, but also cold air will filter in behind it which may bring some rain snow mix back into the picture as well. The first part of April looks to be at or below average for temperatures at least with this run.

FLOODING: River flooding continues across the northern counties of the state and along the Mississippi River. A new update will be posted later today with regards to the flooding situtation.