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Earth hour a sucess in Clayton, First earth hour city in the local area!

Video of images around Clayton,WI

Photos Above include: (1st- Clayton welcome/business sign, 2- Bergmann’s greenhouse billboard 3- my backyard)

Earth hour was a success across the area the U.S as well as the local area! Many local area residents turned of there lights for one hour across the entire area to celebrate this global event for a cleaner more resourceful world. My community Clayton, became the first earth hour city in the area to join officially making the list on Friday March 25th Our community successfully completes turning off the lights. The welcome sign, a well known local landmark went dark, as well as the Bergmann’s greenhouse billboard. My house, like for the past 3 years also went dark for the hour and I did everything by candlelight. I spent the evening talking with my family how in the old days, all they had were candles for light!

I really want to thank the Village of Clayton and it’s city members for working with me to make this event possible in our town, I’d also like to thank a friend of mine Alan G. for helping me out with communication and I consider this event a huge success for our community, and it shows you do not have to be a large city to show you are thinking of a cleaner future!