All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Forecast Video 3/23/2011


SVR ROUNDUP: Several reports of tornadoes with at least one confirmed with damage in Harrison County (see earlier post) and several others with video confirmation. More on intensity and path and length will come later today.

WHITE STUFF: Odd to be talking about snow chances after having a severe weather outbreak, but then again it’s March and it can and does snow in the state this time of year. The next chance of precipitation comes Friday through early Sunday with a storm that will be skirting the state to the south. There will be enough cold air around for the precipitation to be in the form of either a cold rain, a rain snow mix, or all snow. The GFS Model run show some accumulations of a few inches across the state from this storm, but a lot of it won’t stick right away given the ground temperatures and the warm weather we’ve had over the last few weeks that has risen the temperature of the ground enough to prevent the snow from sticking (at least at the beginning).

BELOW AVG: Temperatures looks to remain below average for the rest of this week into the weekend and early next week. It doesn’t look like it’ll be until mid-week next week before readings get back to and even above average, so this will be an extended “cool” snap across the state.

FLOODING: See the latest flood post below for the latest on river flooding ongoing across the state.