Gardening, Uncategorized

Thursdays temperature report, and late winter Daffodil progress.

Snowcover that has gone patchy in the

We had a very mild day yesterday across the area, 50s were reached at every reporting station, some places in the north had there first 50s of the year, and some places were lucky enough to see middle 50s! These temperatures were reached from a strong warm front that passed thought the night before, which allowed temperatures at night to have their first above 32.F readings of the season! My location had a low temp of 36.F. This took a huge bite out of the areas snowcover, most areas lost at least 3 inches on Thursday alone, The snowcover still counts as continuous in my book, meaning that it’s still a relatively strong snowpack but it has gone down significantly. Fields have brown patches starting to show, and yards in the area have lots of grass spots. I believe with the warm days continuing it wont be long until the rest will be gone.

Here is another pictures of the front yard with my dog seen in the back round! The Grass can actually be seen here instead of being buried under 2 feet of snow. This is the most I’ve seen in the yard since November, and I sure have missed it!

Yesterdays high temperatures

Here is a list of high temperatures reached yesterday, the warmest reading was Baldwin at 56.F and the lowest, which was still very mild was 50.F which was reached at several locations.

This is a picture of the Daffodils and Crocus as of March 18th, they have really started greening up and growing, especially in the last 3 days. Both the Daffodils and Crocus have now reached the stage where they are showing flower buds! If it stays warm long enough, I may break my old 1st flower date, but only time will tell this happens or not!