Month: March 2011

Gardening, Uncategorized

Turning wetter for the end of the week, Rain/Snow, little or no accumulation. then much warmer for Saturday.

Regional weather view After enjoying a week of sunshine, A wetter pattern is about to move into the central part of the Upper Midwest. A warm front and weak weather system will bring the threat of rain and snow to Minnesota and Wisconsin along with northern Iowa. Temperatures will be at least in the 40s …

All of Iowa, Flooding

Iowa Forecast Video 3/29/2011

[youtube] NEARLY DRY: Dry weather continued over the state on Monday sans for a few snow showers across the western and southwestern counties of the state. The eastern 2/3rds of the state were saved by the persistent easterly wind and low dewpoints that were in the teens and even single digits in some locations. …

Gardening, Uncategorized

Warmer and dry weather finally on the way, 40s again by Tuesday or Wednesday.

Regional weather view. It will be a quiet next 3 days in the Upper Midwest which is good news. There should be dry conditions across all areas accept maybe Iowa. The only issues that will be found are flood warnings in Minnesota and South and North Dakota. Warmer air will start to push east Monday.Local …

Gardening, Uncategorized

1st Spring flower of 2011! + southern foundation Daffodil update…Spring has still sprung dispite cold!

1st Spring flower of 2011 A Yellow Crocus The 1st spring flower of 2011 has opened up in the bright sunshine along the southern side of the house foundation today, despite low temperatures in the single digits and low teens the past few nights. The only protection I’ve been providing are some old blankets laid …

Gardening, Uncategorized

Earth hour a sucess in Clayton, First earth hour city in the local area!

Video of images around Clayton,WI Photos Above include: (1st- Clayton welcome/business sign, 2- Bergmann’s greenhouse billboard 3- my backyard) Earth hour was a success across the area the U.S as well as the local area! Many local area residents turned of there lights for one hour across the entire area to celebrate this global event …