All of Iowa, Winter Weather

Iowa Forecast Video 2/24/2011


SNOWY PERIOD: Snow will move into the state late Thursday night and will last (even lightly) through the weekend when another much more powerful storm moves in from the southwest.

THURSDAY-SATURDAY: Light snow moves in late Thursday with the heaviest accumulations staying mainly over the far southeastern sections of the state, where several inches will be possible, the rest of the state may see a dusting to an inch. Snow flurries and snow showers will be possible with another upper level feature through Saturday that may drop another inch or two across the state as well through the time period. (UPDATE: Look at latest post above for new advisories and warnings!)

SUNDAY-MONDAY: A storm system will rotate into the midwest Sunday bringing warmer weather over most of the state, with precipitation changing to rain over the south and southeast, a mix of rain/snow over the rest of the state except the far NW which may remain with light snow. The low pressure center will pass the state late Sunday night into Monday morning with light snow possible on the back side of this feature. A few inches of snow is possible with this system, but it’s too early to tell where the heaviest snowfall will be at this time.

COOL WEEK: March begins next Tuesday and it may roll in like a lamb with clear skies but cooler than average temperatures will also bring a chill to the air as well.