All of Iowa, Flooding, Winter Weather

Iowa Forecast Video 2/23/2011


SNOW BY WEEKEND: With the Thursday storm moving well enough south of the state to not be concerned with, we move our attention to a storm that will affect the state by Saturday lasting through Monday. Precipitation will start in the form of snow across the state with light snow showers or a few flurries. This will last until Sunday when warmer air will move into the state from the south and southwest. This may change the precipitation over to all rain or a rain snow mix (with freezing rain possible as well). Colder air will move in behind the departing storm late Sunday night into Monday morning with another round of snow at that time. It’s too early to determine snow accumulations for this storm as the track is still up in the air at this point.

RIVER FLOODING: A Few rivers continue to flood across the state. The cooler weather this week will cause rivers to slow their rises and falls and may lead to more ice jams as well.