All of Iowa, Winter Weather

Possible Big Snow Next Week?

GEM Model Wednesday 6am

A large storm system will be very close to the state next week and more and more model runs have been showing that it will effect the state in some way with some wintry precipitation. The image above shows the 12z GEM Model at 6am Wednesday morning. This shows a low pressure east of St Louis with some moderate to heavy precipitation over the southern and southeastern sections of the state. Along with the snow, strong winds will be possible (if this pans out) which may lead to blizzard conditions over portions of the state Tuesday night into Wednesday. Other models including the GFS have the storm further to the south with some lighter precipitation in the southern sections of the state, however models have been trending the storm further to the north with time. This is several days out and things could change again, regardless this will be the first “big” storm of the year if this comes about.