I would like to make a quick shout out to a very good chat room where local weather enthusiasts can chat and talk about weather. One of the best things about this room it is all local and most forecast attention is right in the area. You can expect to find good natured people that discuss forecast models where low pressure systems will go. As well as many other conversations. The times the room is most often active is weekends and weekday nights I also can be found chatting here at these same times, so if you would like to talk to me live this is the place to do it!
I myself have learned a lot about weather and many other subjects from the chatters in this room, some who went out of there way to teach me. This is why this chat room will be permanently on my recommenced links list on the side panel.
So if your interested in weather I encourage you to visit the site below. Just type your name in and tell them your from the NW Wisconsin blog!