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Christmas Pictures-Dec 23rd snow

downtown Clayton Christmas Decorations Dec 25h 2010

I wanted to set the Christmas Mood and put of some pictures of area Christmas Decorations, Light snowfall on the 23rd brought 1-2 inches of snow to the area making for a perfectly white Christmas! The most snow was found where a band of heavier snow set up in Western areas. I had 2.0″ while Rice Lake had 0.90″ To set the mood even more flurries lasted all the way through Christmas Even and Christmas morning! Christmas is extra white this year since the snowpack is over 2 feet deep! I have had a total 28.50″ of snow this month and almost all of it is still on the ground, places like Minneapolis have broken all time records for the snowiest December in recorded history.

Here is a picture of my Christmas display on our house

Have a great Christmas!