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Arctic Air for Tuesday, Warming up with light snow again by Friday. Minor snow totals.

Regional Weather View.

The Upper Midwest will be getting another taste of arctic air Tuesday as a high passes quickly through. It will be short lived though as warm air begins pushing North ahead of the next system. The next system to effect the Upper Midwest will hit Thursday which looks to bring mainly minor snow accumulations across Northeast Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois. Upper Michigan will see lake enhances snow and could see significant accumulations.

Local View

Locally we will be dealing with Arctic Air Tuesday as highs struggle to reach the low teens for highs, even with sunshine! Lows Tuesday Night will likely be below zero for many areas, but areas of the south may manage to stay in the low single digits above zero. light winds will make it feel colder Tuesday during the day. Wednesday will be mostly sunny early then clouding over. Highs will be a bit warmer in the upper teens. Lows Wednesday night will not fall much, lows will be in the low teens. Friday we will have a weak clipper system pass mostly to our north, but it will pass close enough to bring light snow Thursday afternoon into Thursday Night. 1-2 inches looks like a good bet, but I would not be surprised is most areas got an inch or less. Northern locations have the best bet at least an inch. Highs Thursday will be in the mid 20s and lows in the upper teens.

Tuesday, Cold! Arctic Sunshine with highs in the low teens with cold winds. Tuesday Night, Cold, lows just above or below zero.

Wednesday, Sunny early then turning Cloudy, highs in the upper teens. Wednesday Night, Cloudy, lows in the low teens.

Thursday, Cloudy with light snow developing in the afternoon or evening. highs in the mid 20s. Thursday Night, light snow. System total accumulation 1-2″ lows in the upper teens.

Looking Ahead

The forecast models have been un reliable the past few days. going crazy showing tracks that seem to change everyday, because of this I will not go too far into the ahead forecast. The major thing forecasters are watching currently is a system which looks to track out of the Western U.S and towards the Upper Midwest on Saturday Dec 11th, this system has the potential to bring Significant, possibly major accumulations with lots of wind behind it. It is not certain, but it appears someone in the Upper Midwest from Minnesota or Iowa east New York State could be dealing with high snowfall chances with wind. Behind the storm a very cold arctic airmass follows it and looks to impact the Upper Midwest. This airmass has the potential to bring near zero degree highs for our area and lows well below zero. More on this in the upcoming days.