
Flooding in Ames

This article is from KCCI in Des Moines:

Ames officials urged residents living in low-lying areas to seek higher ground Tuesday night as more rainfall pounded central Iowa for the third night in a row.

City officials say they can’t accurately predict crests on the Skunk River and Squaw Creek until the rainfall ends. They advise residents living along South Fifth Street, South Maple Avenue and in the Meadowland Mobile Home Park to consider leaving their homes. Additionally, damage to a transformer in the Toronto Street area has left multiple apartments without power.

Sandbagging at Hilton Coliseum

At 1:30 Wednesday morning, KCCI’s Ames Bureau reporter Angie Hunt said work crews were busily sandbagging Hilton Coliseum, the basketball arena on the Iowa State University campus. She said the building is surrounded by water but she does not believe any water has gotten inside Hilton. She also reported a number of businesses sandbagging along Duff Avenue and that Duff was closed to traffic. Water is also creeping very close to Highway 30 at Dayton Avenue but the roadway was still open at last report. Several cars had been stalled in the middle of Duff Avenue, Airport Road and several other roads in Ames. Hunt said by 1:45 the rain had stopped, but it had just come down very hard for several hours, making the flooding situation that much worse in Ames.

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