All of Iowa

Complex of Storms Entering State

Radar at 3:11am (With Boundaries depicted)

The complex of thunderstorms, some of them strong (but not severe at this time) are moving into the state this morning. Also shown on the image is the approximate location of boundaries that have been set up by thunderstorms that have occurred earlier. A “meso low” is located just to the west of Omaha. The line of thunderstorms is quickly moving to the east and setting up a boundary along it. There is an outflow boundary ahead of these storms in NE Kansas. Along with the boundary that has set up from the storms that formed in southern Iowa, northern Missouri into west central Illinois. These will need to be watched over the next few hours for any more development or decay of thunderstorms. Severe weather is possible but is becoming more and more unlikely as time progresses, but an isolated severe storm is not out of the question through sunrise.