Here are the latest river flood warnings across the state this afternoon.
Des Moines River at Ottumwa
Raccoon River at Fleur Drive (DSM)
North Raccoon River near Perry
North River near Norwalk
Des Moines River at SE 6th (DSM)
Des Moines River near Stratford
The Raccoon River at IA Hwy 28 (DSM)
South Skunk River near Oskaloosa
Thompson River at Davis City
South Fork Chariton River near Promise City
Iowa River at Columbus Junction
Iowa River at Marengo
Iowa River near Lone Tree
Iowa River at Wapello
English River at Kalona
North Skunk River near Sigourney
Skunk River at Augusta
Des Moines River at St. Francisville MO
Nishnabotna River near Hamburg
Big Sioux River at Hawarden
Big Sioux River at Akron
Little Sioux River at Linn Grove
Missouri River at Nebraska City NE
Recent heavy rains across the southern and eastern parts of the state have led to rivers rising once more and some of the flood warnings have been extended into the upcoming weekend, if not early next week. Although no more heavy rain is expected the rest of the day and into tonight and Wednesday, more rain is possible yet again by Thursday across the state which could lead to more rapid rises in already high river levels.
Is the River Road along the Mississippi flooded at any spots. We are traveling from Dubuke to St. Louis. Thanks
Some flooding is occurring, US 61 at the Des Moines River (Just south of Keokuk) is closed at this time due to flooding. There possibly is some flooding also into Missouri as well mainly from Keokuk down to Canton/ LaGrange MO. South of there is ok for the time being, but there could be issues later in the week.