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Success for Earth Hour in Wisconsin!

Video showing the before and after photos of my residence for Earth Hour 2010!

Earth Hour actually turned out to be quite a success for Wisconsin, the Untied States and across the globe. 566,477,0 people signed up for Earth Hour globally, and 241,199 people participated in the U.S. By the time the day of Earth Hour had come, nearly 100 additional people signed up from Wisconsin alone! making for a total of 247 people who showed their support for Earth Hour in WI. Even several local area people took place in the event, I seen people signed up from such areas Rice Lake and New Richmond! Also Wisconsin University River Falls shut off it’s lights for the event, even the State Capital building in Madison was shut down. In Minnesota, Minneapolis shut lights on several Downtown skyscrapers to show their support. Here at my house, every single light was shut off, and we had supper by candlelight, and we made sandwiches so I would not have to require the use of a stove. I’ve been emailing my community’s village board an although Clayton wasn’t a supporter this year because it came at too short a notice, Their going to work on signing up for Earth Hour next year!