Gardening, Uncategorized

Beautiful Weather the past couple days! Reported Highs. And Daffodils sprouting already in late Feb, Really? photos and explanations why.

Photos showing the exposed brown grass, Which has been getting noticeable the past couple days.

the past 3 days have brought just, Awesome weather to Western Wisconsin! We’ve had crystal clear skies, And highs in the mid to upper 30s for the past 3 days! Snow has been melting noticeable faster with this stronger sun. There are lots of big puddles on roads from melting snow! I’ve lost over and inch of snow in this weather, Our snow pack is now back down to 9 Inches.

Today highs really were nice! highs made it into the upper 30s,.Even low 40s were reported in a couple spots. My high was a nice 39.F, It really made it feel like spring! Here is a list of reported highs Thursday.

Daffodil Sprouts on the south side of my house Feb 18Th!

This is my first year with spring flowers planted on a southern exposure, so it is a new experience for me! but last spring, after visiting with my brother in Michigan. he offered me some daffodils bulbs, and I knew that planting on the south side of a building, would allow for early blooms! So I planted them on the south side of my house. So while I was outside enjoying the beautiful weather, I noticed some brown grass was showing on the south side of the house, So I decided to take a look and sure enough, Daffodils are sprouting! I also saw Crocus sprouting which I also planted last year, I knew they would be early but I never thought they would be this early!

photo showing how the snow melts on the south side of the house first.

So why is it plants bloom and grow earliest on the south side on buildings? I thought I would take the time to explain a little why: It’s because The south side of buildings always receive the most sun, and sun reflects off the siding. It can hold warmth long overnight, Actually It can be up to 10.F warmer on the south side of buildings then surrounding areas especially when it’s sunny! So this is why the South side of buildings/southern exposures always looses it’s snow first. But it goes deeper then this. Basement Walls hold heat from our home, so this keeps the soil warmer for longer, even mostly unfrozen! (which brings my to my next story below) This creates a Micro Climate for plants growing on this side of buildings and promote early growth and flowers.

“lucky” Daffodil sprouts (after replanting) on the south side of our house Feb 18Th

So after finding the sprouting daffodils in one location, I decided to continue looking down the side of the house, And as I was inspecting I noticed the edge of a black pot, and a green sprout sticking out of a snow pile! then I remembered last year I bought a pot of daffodils from a local store, and I put then in a pot in a hole then partially buried them so they wouldn’t fall over, I was going to plant them later. Well I had forgotten them, and they developed roots though the holes in the pot, and are now sprouting!

Photo showing what the daffodil pot looked like after spending nearly 1 year half in the ground notice the roots sticking out of the bottom!

Well right after I found them, I pulled them out of the hole, I was actually surprised I was able to get it out. Then I brought them in the house quick to take them out of the pot immediately! after I cut away the plastic pot, I brought them back to the side of the house, and stuck my garden shovel in the dirt and to my amazement, The dirt was un frozen, except for a small layer of ice on the very top! The dirt wasn’t even cold like I would have expected! which is quite amazing with our cold winters. Our basement must keep the soil warm enough the prevent any thick freezing. These seem healthy, and even have multiplied in the pot! so I have high hopes for these. I’ll keep watching as spring gets closer, and I’ll keep everyone here updated. I’m sure it will be a Long time before I see any real growth from these after all it is only February. But by sprouting they are bringing some hope Spring isn’t too far away, and if it gets cold again, I’m not worried, Daffodils are hardy will stop growing if it gets too cold, Then start growing again once temperatures warm!


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