Gardening, Uncategorized

light snow chances with light accumulations. Moderate Temperatures the next 3 days.

Regional View.

Happy February 1st! Now, A small low pressure system will be exiting the area early Tuesday, minor snowfall accumulations between 1-3 inches will fall across southern Minnesota, Southwestern Wisconsin, and northern Iowa. after snow moves out skies will be mainly cloudy across the Upper Midwest, then we got partly sunny skies on our way for Wednesday, with more clouds for Thursday, Temperatures will moderate over the next 3 days.

Local View.

Tuesday, a weak system which started to effect the area Monday will begin to exit the area. Total accumulations from this system in our area will be light, with half inch to 1 inch total accumulations, it will leave skies Cloudy for the rest of Tuesday, before some clearing Tuesday Night, Wednesday skies will be partly Sunny, temperatures will begin moderating with lows in the lower 20s for Wednesday. Thursday, skies will be partly sunny at first, then we will get increasing clouds, high temps by Thursday will be approaching the mid 20s, Lows will be well above 0.F Daily forecast below.

Tuesday, Happy Ground Hogs Day! light snow early in the day, light snow accumulations half inch to an inch total, Then mainly Cloudy skies, Highs in the upper 10s. Tuesday Night, some clearing, warmer, lows in the mid single digits.

Wednesday, Partly Sunny Skies, a bit warmer, Highs in the low 20s. Wednesday Night, Mostly Cloudy, lows in the upper single digits.

Thursday, Warmer, Partly Sunny with increasing Clouds, but staying Dry, Warmer with highs in the mid 20s. Thursday Night, Mostly Cloudy, and Warmer, lows in the mid to upper teens.

Looking Ahead
As we go into the 1st weekend in February, it appears like we have a better chance at some Snow Saturday the 6th, snowfall accumulations, if I had to guess early, I would say they could be 4 inch range, Temperatures look to be fairly steady, and near Average for this time of year, with highs in the 20s, then as we head into Tuesday the 9th through Thursday the 11th, Cold weather looks to make a come back for a short while then Friday the 12th, The model shows warmer weather returning and staying for awhile. Then by the 15th, the models show a strong system passing South of the area, Might get cooler again behind that system by the 16th, Remember the models are always changing and February can bring some pretty crazy weather, ranging from mild temps to bitterly cold! so please stay turned as we head through the upcoming weeks.

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