Month: February 2010

Gardening, Uncategorized

Sunny & Mild Spring-Like weather for early this upcoming week! highs in the 40s.

Regional View. A High pressure system has kept our weather sunny and dry the past few days. This will continue for the next 3 day forecast period. Temperatures look very nice throughout all of the Upper Midwest. Away from the deep snow pack, highs will approach 40.F but in Northwest Iowa and Western Minnesota where …

Gardening, Uncategorized

Updates on a few things, Snow depth, indoor spring flowers project and how the outdoor spring flowers faired in the cold.

Front yard February 26th. Snow depth the past 2 weeks has actually slowly fallen, It started out 10.50″ on the 15th of the month, but, with the strong late February sun and dry weather we’ve have since fallen to 8.50″ snow depth. I can see some brow patches in our yard next too tree trucks …

Gardening, Uncategorized

Staying Dry but Becoming Warmer and More Pleasant.

Regional View. Looking like a Dry and Sunny weather pattern will continue across the Upper Midwest for the end of this week. Temperatures will warm as we go through the next 3 days though, becoming warmer as each day passes. Our stronger late February sun can be thanked for that, Highs will quickly warm into …

Gardening, Uncategorized

Late Winter inside Cactus blooms. and more late winter outdoor growth!

Red Thanksgiving Cactus February 21st My Red Thanksgiving Cactus was blooming quite full today! Sometimes in Late Winter/Spring when the day length matches closely to that of November. Thanksgiving Cactus will give you a second show of flowers, Which I’ve been told by some is actually kinda rare. Actually surprisingly enough, All of mine but …