Freezing Fog formed overnight last night, due to the mild temps and still air, This accumulated frost on everything, It was a beautiful site, and made for some Very neat photos, This is one of the thickest freezing fog accumulations, I’ve ever seen!
Woods north of our house, everything was covered, it definitely made everything look different. I have to admit, winter can be cold and dark, But every once and while, it can be beautiful. as you can see the frost is still real thick, and this picture was taken after noon today, It looks like the frost will last much of the day!
Now this I thought looked real neat! this is a Corkscrew Willow, the branches are grow naturally curled like a corkscrew opener! and the curled branches covered in frost was very cool looking! this tree was planted last Spring. The frost is, must have been at least half inch thick!
Hoar frost is so cool Derek, great photos, kind of wished I saw something like that up here in Duluth, we really haven’t had much fog up here compared to what has occurred south of Duluth over the past few days/nights.
D, these are amazing photos. What a great freezing fog event in your area. That last photo is great, all long and vertical. Thanks for sharing!