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2009 weather Summary-My Location

This is a 2009 weather summary report.

the 08-09 Winter Snowfall was Above normal we had 52.45″ which is above normal by 6.35″ The snowiest month in the 08-09 winter was December 2008, We had an early spring snow melt off, with the snow pack already gone by Mid March, We also had Well below normal snowfall in March with only 3.50″ of snow, we had 1.16″ of rain in March.

Rainfall for the total 2009 season was again below, We had 22.03″ of rain in 2009 which is 4.67″ below normal, We had drought for much of the summer, A cooler then normal summer saved most crops around my local area, but lake levels dropped, Spring had above normal rainfall in March, but below normal Rainfall in April and May, Summer brought below normal rainfall for all of the summer months, Fall brought Much below normal rainfall in September, with much above normal rainfall in October, The month with the most rain in 2009 was October with 4.74″ of rain, October was also Cold and very snowy,

Temps were up and down through the entire season. With much below normal temperatures in January 2009, to above normal temps in February and March. Spring was mainly Cool expect for a few Hot days in May where the temp was above 85.F Summer 2009 was Very cool, with highs as cool as the 50s a couple days in both June and July, August was actually warmer then July was, August was cool at first then it was warm, September was also Warm, with 80s which continued for many days, Actually the month with the most 80+ temperatures was September, Which is actually quite odd, Following September October was much cooler then normal with hard frost and highs in the upper 30s occurring as early as Mid October. Following October was a mild November, which followed by a coldish December, So temp wise Months were up and down from mild to cooler then normal.

The highest temperature in 2009 was 92.F which happened on June 23rd. The coldest temperature was January 15th when we had a low of -24.F.

We had 1 day with temps above or at 90.F, and we had 43 days where temps were at or above 80.F We had 9 days where the Daytime high was 10.F or colder in 2009 and we had 2 days where the daytime high was below zero.

Severe Weather
2009 brought less then normal Severe Weather, with the most severe weather, occurring in May June and August

We were under a Severe Thunderstorm warning twice, in 2009, I recorded Severe Thunderstorm Conditions 3 times, but we had No major storms.

May 5th
This day brought quart sized hail, which did some plant damage to spring flowers, This was also our strongest storm of 2009 here is a link to my post on this storm.

July 22nd
brought hail, Some which were quarter sized, This did some slight damage to corn and garden plants See this post for more information

August 8th
This day, I found a 8 inch diameter tree which was down by strong outflow winds, from a Strong storm passing south my my area, This is the same storm which brought an EF1 tornado to the Burkhardt area in St Croix County. See this post for more information

We were under a Tornado Warning Twice, both warnings were in the same day, No Tornado’s were seen in 2009 at my location, Although we had one close call, August 19th with a tornado was reported as close as 11 miles SW of my location as a storm was moving Northeast towards me, all of this tornado activity was caused by a Strong low pressure system.

Thunderstorm Days.
We had 25 Thunderstorm Days in 2009, all came from thunderstorms expect 1 when we had Thunder snow in a snow storm on Febuary 26th 2009.

The strongest Wind Gust of 2009 was on May 20th with a gust of 46MPH from the SSW, See this post for wind reports across the area that day This is also the strongest wind gust I’ve recorded so far.

thanks for looking at my summary of weather in 2009, All weather observations were recorded by me at my house here in Clayton,WI if you need any information, you can contact me.


  1. Looking at our highest/lowest temps for the year, both of ours came on the same day. The high is relatively close, but the low is quite different. Yours being much colder. We had below normal precip as well. I hope NW WI pulls out of the drought soon.

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