All of Iowa

Below Zero Again!

It’s becoming a repeating pattern every night this year so far, lows falling below zero across the state. The western part of the state had a reprieve a few nights ago with some clouds, but clear skies last night dropped readings well below zero once again. Spencer won as the coldest location in the state this morning with -33°. Harlan and Sheldon dropped to -26°. Estherville -25°. The eastern side of the state was saved from double digit below zero temperatures with some mixing of the air, but that led to colder wind chills. Many locations east of US Hwy 63 had lows in the single digits below zero.

Another night below zero is in store tonight, with temperatures easily dropping into the single digits and teens below zero. Western Iowa could easily drop into the 20s below zero once again. A storm will move into the state late on Tuesday, bringing a chance of some light fluffy snow. Accumulations could be significant given the dryness of the snow, even with limited moisture, a few inches are possible with the storm through Wednesday night into Thursday. After that, it’s back to more cold air, and more lows in the single digits and possibly teens below zero.