Gardening, Uncategorized

More indoor blooms!

Peach-Pink colored Thanksgiving Cactus

While temps today outside were Cold with highs only in the low 20s with flurries, My indoor Thanksgiving Cactus are in full bloom! All colors have opened up now. which makes for a nice site when everything outside is dead and brown!

The cactus above I bought at a local grocery store last year, when it had buds, but they all fell off before opening so this is the first time it bloomed! so I had no idea it was this color!

Unclassified color Thanksgiving Cactus.

Quick story on this cactus, This small plant came inside a sickly White color Thanksgiving cactus my aunt gave me, They were babies in the pot, so I decided to plant them in there own pot, I was expecting them to be White as the adult was, but this unclassified colored flower opened! So what happened? Well I believe it is a result of pollination! My aunt had the both the White one and a Red colored Thanksgiving Cactus, I believe somehow her Red colored one pollinated with the white one, and This is a result of the 2 colors pollinating! The white one I originally got this growing inside of didn’t make it, So I ended out not having white! instead I got this color That color you cannot find in stores! Pink Thanksgiving Cactus.

This pink cactus was the first one I ever bought This is my small Yellow colored Thanksgiving Cactus, I took this as a cutting from my larger one I bought, when I thought it had problems. This is just showing how tiny they can be and still flower! This cutting is only a year old! I will be soon selling cuttings of this size so if anyone is interested in purchasing some please email me at [email protected]

This is every color I have all together in one shot! Too bad they all were not in full bloom in this shot! thanks for looking!

1 Comment

  1. The cactus’s are looking great, D! Thanks for sharing. I want something like that brightening up my rooms this time of year. I need to invest.

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