Month: November 2009

Gardening, Uncategorized

Turning Much colder, a good chance of Snow Thanksgiving looking Cold with some snow- Updated

Updated Forecast for Wednesday, Thanksgiving Day and Friday, with a Thanksgiving Theme. Chances were made to my forecast, Models are now showing something different then what I saw yesterday read below to find out. It Will be turning Much Colder for the middle of the week, A Strong Cold and low pressure system will move …

Gardening, Uncategorized

Thanksgiving Cactus blooming!

Yellow Colored Thanksgiving Cactus. It’s 6 full days until Thanksgiving and all Thansgiving Cactus but 2 are blooming! Even my Christmas Cactus is blooming early. It is a very pretty sight expressally when everything is brown outside.Red Thanksgiving Cactus. This Red colored Thanksgiving Cactus I bought at last minute last January is in full bloom! …