All of Iowa

Model Madness at Mid Month

November 30th 0z Model Run
December 14th at 6pm

November 30th 6z GFS Model Run
December 15th at Midnight

November 30th 12z GFS Model Run
December 14th at 6pm

November 30th 18z GFS Model Run
December 15th at Midnight

These are the model runs that have been run today for December 14th at 6pm and December 15th at Midnight. This is why looking this far out on model runs doesn’t give you a concrete forecast. From the first run last night showing a developing storm to the SW with Iowa on the warm side, to the next run showing that Iowa is on the cold side with snow likely to only a few flurries with cold north wind to the storm being to our south and snow in the western part of the state and rain on the eastern side. One thing is certain, colder weather is forecast to move in this week and most of the runs show a cross polar invasion. The runs have been differing on where the cold air is going to go however, but a colder and more active pattern is in store as we move into the month of December.