Gardening, Uncategorized

Up and Running! & Update about my health.

New Rain Gauge November 26Th.

This is a post showing everyone that I am now using my new Rain Gauge. This is a more professional one then I was using for the past summer so this one will guarantee I wont have overly high readings like I did with my old rain gauge. This gauge will also be used for measuring water content of Snow. I especially want to Thank OSN of Oshkosh,WI Weather for helping me make this possible. The gauge is really working out nicely!

Thanksgiving Center piece with Thanksgiving and a Christmas Cactus on our table!

I hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving! I kinda wish Yesterdays snowy system would have turned out, I’m kind of in to mood for some snow now, But it just didn’t happen. I did see some rain/snow mix but that was it, The system just didn’t turn out like I thought it would, We had no snow accumulations anywhere, One thing that sure happened was the cool air! It’s a chilly 29.F right now and it’s almost 12pm noon! Most people when they went outside were like Wow it’s cold! but the interesting thing is, We’ve cooled down Normal late November highs! It’s just been so warm for so long it feels cold to most people!

One of the things that’s interesting is, lakes are completely ice less due to the warm weather over the past month. I’ve always remembered a thing layer of ice at Thanksgiving but I guess it differs from year to year! Now that’s it’s cooled off I would expect ice to form soon.

Health Update.

I wanted to let my viewers know that, After going back to the Doctor for another visit, I’ve been diagnosed with Under Active Thyroid, I will have to take Thyroid pills for the rest of my life, This goes along with High blood pressure medication and Asthma Medication. But I’m just happy all of this is getting figured out so I can be healthier, and I also think it’s good that I’m getting this figured out now rather then not finding it out.