Gardening, Uncategorized

Record overnight warmth Monday.

Warm Hazy conditions November 23rd.

We have been having mild conditions the past couple days but Especially over the weekend. Highs were in the low 50s on Sunday and Lows overnight Sunday Night and Monday were recorded breaking. lows only fell into the mid 40 upper 40s! Average highs for this time of year are in the upper 30s and averages lows are normally well below freezing. A large area of low pressure over the middle of the country help surge up warmth and moisture and this is what brought us the mild condtions.

A list of some Lows and Highs reached Monday.

The mild condtions we have expereince will come to an end, A big cool down is expected just in time for Thanksgiving, Snow looks to be possible, mainly light accumulations it looks like at this time, highs falling into the mid 30s, More on this later.