Gardening, Uncategorized

Thanksgiving Cactus blooming!

Yellow Colored Thanksgiving Cactus.

It’s 6 full days until Thanksgiving and all Thansgiving Cactus but 2 are blooming! Even my Christmas Cactus is blooming early. It is a very pretty sight expressally when everything is brown outside.

Red Thanksgiving Cactus.

This Red colored Thanksgiving Cactus I bought at last minute last January is in full bloom!

This is a Christmas Cactus my aunt gave me as cuttings from her plant. It has really grown! this is it’s frist time blooming.
Heres a close up picutres of the Christmas Cactus bloom.

Pink Christmas Cactus

I still have 3 plants which have not yet opened up there flowers! I will show picutres of those when they open.

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