This is a notification that my Precipitation data for my blog has been changed. after looking at the October total rainfall, I noticed it seemed high, but I believed it, but after farther investigation, it proved There was definitely something wrong with the totals. the NWS sites has said most places got between 4-6 inches in Oct. and my total of 10.52″ this was far too high. My friend of OSN blog sent me a new gauge and thankfully it came no later. The gauge help me find out the old gauge was reading 2 times too high, the new gauge recorded 0.20″ while the old gauge read 0.40″
I was disappointed to find out I might have had to loose nearly 1 years worth of rainfall data, so I wanted to save it. so after a lot of research with a friend of mine, I decided that I would divide all the Rainfall totals in half for the months June through October.
Changes Made.
The changes I made were to Rainfall data, monthly totals for June, July, August and October were changed all the numbers were devided in half. September didn’t need changed so it was left alone. Feb,Mar,Apr and May were also left alone, with the months I did change the seasons total was changed, I believe this data is much closer to what it should be. Snowfall data was not changed because I use a different method of measuring which is accurate. Here is a list of monthly totals I got below this includes months I changed.
Feb 2009: Rain 0.08″
Mar 2009: Rain 1.16″
Apr 2009: Rain 2.16″
May 2009: Rain 2.54″
June 2009: Rain 2.91″
July 2009: Rain 1.50″
Aug 2009: Rain 3.84″
Sep 2009: Rain 1.40″
Oct 2009: Rain 4.74″ Snow 5.75″
November 2009 -So Far Rain 0.20″ Snow 0.00
Seasons Total Rain 21.44″ Seasons Total Snow 5.75″