Gardening, Uncategorized

Very cool & Wet October What I had for totals.

October was Very cool and Wet across northwest Wisconsin, We have lots of rainy weather systems and plenty of snow, We definitely had a well above normal month for preip.

My Rain total for Oct.
The Average October rain is 2.39″

October literally started out above normal for rainfall at my location, the 1st-2nd day of October we already had 2.60″ from a heavy system. so even the first weather system of the month put us above normal. Through the month we had many low pressure systems, We ended the month of October with an amazing 9.50″ for a monthly rain total, This is the highest rainfall amount I’ve recorded in a month since I started recording.

My Snow total.
The Average October snow is 0.50″

We also had a well above normal snow amounts in October, this started out with a half inch the 10th then an early wintry system brought 2.75″ of snow the 12th. October totaled 5.75″ of snow for me

Temperatures & wind
October was a much cooler then normal month, I did not even have 1 high in the 60s during the entire month. My highest temp reading was 59.F October 7th, and my coolest day reading was 36.F both Oct 10th and 11th. my Highest wind gust in the month of Oct was 35MPH from the SW on Oct 30th.

Thanks for reading my totals for the month of October!


  1. Derek, have you ever measured snow in October before this October? How much did the above avg precipitation help out the drought?

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