All of Iowa

Very Windy

Low pressure currently over central Minnesota continues to slowly move NE away from the state this afternoon. In its wake there have been and continues to be very strong winds from the SW (switching to the NW in the northwestern part of the state). Sustained winds of 30-35mph with gusts up to 50mph have occurred already this afternoon and will continue through sunset, when the winds will begin to die down. A few showers are occurring in NW Iowa with the backwash moisture from the departing storm. The storm brought a lot of rain to the state with many locations receiveing at least an inch of rain. Some of the big winners (or losers) 2.70 at Washington, 2.33 at Ames, 2.10 at Boone, Keokuk and Atlantic, 2.14 at Fort Madison. 1.95 at Charles City, 1.94 at Oelwein and 1.93 at Fairfield. (NOTE: the amounts are of rain that occurred on Thursday ONLY!)