Colors really seem Dull this year, yellow is the main rule of color, I believe the dull colors are from a wet cool fall. Cold temps last week has caused some trees to drop leaves with out changing a color, or the leaves dried up on the tree. All trees are showing signs of color now, which is why I decided to go with Peak color even though colors are not very bright.
Fall color report,
Reports show that Grantsburg in Burnett county has already past peak as well as Luck, and Birchwood, everyone else is ether at peak or very near peak. due to the dull color and the fact that most places are at or past peak, This will likely be my last report of the season.
one last look at red color in our white oaks.
the oak tree in our yard has the prettiest color around that I’ve seen, this tree always turns red.
thanks for viewing my Fall color reports.
That’s unfortunate D. Colors around Northeast WI have been magnificent. People that usually do not notice the colors are noticing them.